Monday, November 5, 2007

So...what do YOU know about Mesopotamia????

I'm currently studying Mesopotamia in History. I was wondering...WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT MESOPOTAMIA??!?!? Lemme give some info while you're at it. Did you know there were 4 empires during that time??? Of course you didn't. =P The first empire ever created was the Akkadian Empire! Ruled by Sargon, the king of Akkad. Then there was Babylonia! =0 Ruled by Hammurabi, who made the code of laws during his time of ruling. Then there was finally, the most cruel, violent, crazy, blood-thirsty, empire ever, the Assyrian Empire!!! =0 Oooh, ya they were bad, they conquered most of the land in Mesopotamia, ya know that?! Thats cruel. D= Anyways, the last one is, Neo-Babylonia! It was the re-building of the Babylonians! Cool huh. (Yeah, I like the Babylonians too. =] ) Well, what do you know? Who ever gives the most info on their comment gets a prize from me! =D (cheap one though, lol) Good luck!

A bust of Sargon.

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