Geez, everyone thinks I'm VERY obsessed with cats. But not really. I only like them because they are funny, like in those cat pictures that I post. Truthfully, I don't even OWN a cat. But, I still like them. Everyone thinks I'm just all, CATS CATS CATS. But, I have other interests too. Such as Maplestory, an online MMORPG, I play it like 24/7 on the weekends. Naruto, the best anime EVER. Naruto is like an action fantasy thing that just BLOWS your mind. I also like, Bleach (the anime), FMA, and all these other shows. The point is, I'm not all cats. Anyways, see you on my next post. MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW STOMP.~ (<---- Why do I put that in every post?)